Cooley Law School Blog
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Cooley Alumni (5)
Judge Brennan's Ten Commandments For Law School
Starting a new law school from scratch is not a simple matter.Cooley Law School’s founder, Justice...
2 minute read
Ray Petty: My Duty is to Bring Justice to Areas of Injustice
UPDATE: Nov. 2, 2021 - Check out recent graduate Ray Curtis Petty Jr.'s viral video sharing his...
2 minute read
Martin Peters: Support Your Dreams and Dreams of Others
Martin Peters (Trimble Class, 2015), chief of staff and general counsel for Eckerd Connects in...
6 minute read
Sean Egan: inspire people to action and compliance in the workplace
With the Covid-19 pandemic, and the resulting stay-home and business closure orders, face mask...
3 minute read
Christian Wise Smith: Significance Over Success
Christian Wise Smith (Wilkins Class, 2011) has a history of beating the odds. So when he launched...
6 minute read
Zack Hugg: Cooley Law School Connections Instrumental in Career Climb
When Zack Hugg entered undergraduate school at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan, he...
3 minute read
Hard Road Proves To Be Best Path
Logical reasoning and analytical thinking – that is what really drew Cooley Law School graduate...
5 minute read
Cooley Grad: Article Published in the Florida Defender
Exclusion of Partial DNA Specimens, Specimens from Multiple Contributors and the Lab-Created...
15 minute read
Cooley librarian creates podcast that traces history of american law
Cooley’s Head of Public Services at its Auburn Hills campus library, Tim Innes, recently launched a...
1 minute read
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