Cooley Law School Blog
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Cooley Alumni (6)
Ed Sternisha - Bridging the Divide and Putting Together All the Pieces
Anyone who’s ever seen an episode of Law & Order knows there are the police, and then there are the...
4 minute read
Limited Scope Representation is a New Paradigm for Future Practice of Law
Read about Cooley Law School graduate Mechelle Woznicki, and other Grand Rapids attorney's role in...
5 minute read
Michael Terner: Success is not where you start, but where you finish
“Look to your left, look to your right; one of you won't complete your law school journey.” I...
4 minute read
Cooley Grad Kate Barnaby: Everything You Do has a Ripple Effect
Growing up, Cooley graduate Kate Barnaby remembers how much she loved learning about our...
6 minute read
Shequel Ross: Designing Legal Education Movement to Teach Legal Rights
Using social media to promote businesses and products has become the norm in recent years, but...
3 minute read
David Malson Proud of Top 100 Firm's Diversity and Inclusiveness Efforts, and Work-Life Balance Programs
David Malson, by anyone's standards, personifies career success and a meaningful life. But Malson...
6 minute read
Cooley Law School graduate Christina Corl: High Demand and High Honors
“If you stick around long enough, you’ll see everything,” noted Christina Corl, partner at Plunkett...
5 minute read
Cooley Law School Grad Mustafa Ameen: Legal Career Helps Others on a Larger Scale
Mustafa Ameen (Fitzgerald Class, 2006), knew growing up that he was either going to be a doctor or...
5 minute read
Cooley Grad Aaron Burrell Leader in Legal Diversity & Inclusiveness
In the last decade, Aaron V. Burrell (Woodward Class, 2010), a business lawyer with the Detroit...
5 minute read
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