Cooley Law School Blog
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Cooley Graduate Adriannette Williams: Fighting for Justice
Adriannette Williams fights for justice as a George Floyd Foundation founding board member, updates...
3 minute read
Sumayya Saleh: Advocate on Behalf of Victims of Injustice
Sumayya Saleh’s Syrian parents, Bilal and Abida Saleh, immigrated to the United States in the...
8 minute read
Jigisa Patel-Dookhoo: Education key to reaching goals
To describe the most recent couple years in Jigisa Patel-Dookhoo’s life as a whirlwind would be an...
5 minute read
Neena Sterling: Cooley gives extra push, fight, and motivation to excel in law school
Neena Sterling (Gray Class, 2022) knew she wanted to be a lawyer since she was a young girl. When...
4 minute read
ABA Standard 303(c) Causes Buzz in DEI Programming in Law Schools
Below is a conversation surrounding Standard 303. Curriculum with Demetria Frank, Associate Dean...
2 minute read
Stephanie Ray: Inflexibility is Inherently Restrictive
Stephanie Ray was a very quiet child, but that didn’t mean she didn’t have a lot to say."I think...
5 minute read
Cooley Graduate Janelle Benjamin is Helping Employers “Make it Easy to be Equitable”
Cooley Law School 2005 graduate Janelle Benjamin is the founder and CEO of the company All Things...
2 minute read
Yveline Dalmacy: Charting Her Own Path of Service
What does being a lawyer mean to Yveline Dalmacy? Well, it doesn’t mean driving the fanciest car or...
4 minute read
Hon. Kwamé Rowe: Don’t let others tell you that you can’t do something
On Thursday, July 22, 2021, Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced the appointment of Kwamé L. Rowe to...
8 minute read
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