Cooley Law School Blog
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Legal Education
Modern Legal Education: What It Is and Why It Is So Important
WHAT IS “MODERN LEGAL EDUCATION”? Does it describe a particular program? Is it a term that outlines...
5 minute read
Neena Sterling: Cooley gives extra push, fight, and motivation to excel in law school
Neena Sterling (Gray Class, 2022) knew she wanted to be a lawyer since she was a young girl. When...
4 minute read
Verbal vs. Oral: Know the Difference
With the encouragement of my colleague Joe Kimble, editor of the long-running Michigan Bar Journal...
3 minute read
Yaritssa Plasencia: Achieving Confidence Through Challenges
As a teenager, Yaritssa Plasencia (Blatchford Class, 2022) knew she wanted to pursue a career in...
4 minute read
Two Sides of the Dog Collar: Puppy Contract Musings
“Woof!” There are over 63 million United States households that know this sound when they come home...
2 minute read
Connor Porzig: Build Good Habits and Put in the Work
Growing up, the only thing Cooley Law School graduate Connor Porzig cared about was basketball.“I...
4 minute read
Confusion: Bad for Contracts, Good for Students
In the middle of their study of Contract law, students encounter a cluster of cases dealing with...
3 minute read
The Study of Remedies, Law's Cure for Wrongdoing, is in Declining Health.
I have previously blogged about the unfortunate case of Peevyhouse v. Garland Coal. In a poll of...
3 minute read
Showcase Your Scholarship, Part One: Use SSRN to Archive Articles
An earlier post suggested ways to maximize the impact of your scholarship through spin-off articles.
3 minute read
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