Cooley Law School Blog
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Faculty Research & Scholarship
The New President and the Constitution
After a national election that chose a new President, an election that took place in a closely...
6 minute read
Additional Context on Powers of the President of the United States
An oft-quoted cliche about a fast start is that someone “hit the ground running.” That certainly...
2 minute read
Constitutional Power of President to Impound Appropriations
This essay examines the power of the President to order that money appropriated by Congress should...
3 minute read
Constitutional Power of President to Make Appointments and Recess Appointments
Current circumstances compel examination of the power of a President of the United States to...
5 minute read
The Constitutional Powers of the Supreme and Inferior Courts
Over the course of the past few years, considerable attention has been given to decisions of the...
3 minute read
The Constitutional Powers of the Congress of the United States
In a republican form of government–one in which representatives of the people make most policy...
5 minute read
The Constitutional Powers of the President
We have now completed a presidential election campaign. While there was considerable public...
4 minute read
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