Cooley Law School Blog
Posts about
Plain language
The Semi-Legendary, Borderline Spectacular, Mostly Memorable Seniors–Faculty Basketball Games
For a little more than a decade beginning in the late 1980s, on the morning of graduation, the...
4 minute read
Plain Language to the Rescue
EGRESS? You are in a crowded restaurant. The fire alarm goes off and diners rush for the doors. One...
1 minute read
Guide to Good Writing; Get Specific!
Strunk & White’s classic guide to good writing, The Elements of Style, urges writers to use...
3 minute read
Using Microsoft Word’s Readability Program: advice for lawyers
Readability should be a goal of all careful writers. Lawyers, in particular, need to exercise care...
2 minute read
Calling All Scribes
What does the word “scribes” call to mind? For most people, it evokes the image of medieval monks...
4 minute read
Vampire Verbs and Zombie Nouns
Whether it's Halloween or not, verbs and nouns can sometimes be downright scary! Professor Otto...
1 minute read
Update: Corporate Annual Reports – Plain-Language Progress?
Last year at about this time, I wrote this in a blog post, “Corporate Annual Reports –...
3 minute read
Note to legal writers: You CAN start sentences with But.
My colleague Joe Kimble has attempted to refute the common superstition against beginning a...
1 minute read
Legal Writing Experts Explain the Evolving "They"
One thing is for sure. Only writing professionals and the grammar elite have the passion to wrap...
3 minute read
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