Cooley Law School Blog
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Legal Education (3)
A Life of Service in the Law
Remembering John W. Fitzgerald July 7th marks the 14th anniversary of the passing of Justice John...
3 minute read
Online Legal Education: We’ve been doing it for a decade at Cooley
Cooley has been offering online legal education for over a decade through our Graduate LL.M....
2 minute read
The Three Lucys of Contract Lore, Part Three: Peevyhouse vs. Garland Coal
Blog contributor Otto Stockmeyer is a Cooley Law School Distinguished Professor Emeritus. This is...
4 minute read
The Three Lucys of Contract Lore, Part Two: Wood vs. Lucy, Lady Duff-Gordon
Blog contributor Otto Stockmeyer is a Cooley Law School Distinguished Professor Emeritus. This is...
3 minute read
Cooley rising to the challenge of online learning in the wake covid-19
Just like any organization or business or higher education institution, individuals have their our...
1 minute read
Nina Yakubov: To Teach A child To Achieve, You must show Achievement
Nina Yakubov is one of those people who always had a good idea what she wanted to do, even at an...
3 minute read
It's Tax Season! Take Advantage of Free Tax services
Once again it's tax season. Probably one of the most stressful times of year, outside of the...
1 minute read
About Those Large Law School Diplomas
A recent blog post features Cooley Law School graduate Ed Sternisha. Included is a photo of...
2 minute read
Ydelmis Cutino: Comfortable in the Fast Lane
Cooley Law School student Ydelmis Cutino never backs away from hard work, in fact she embraces it....
5 minute read
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