Cooley Law School Blog
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Cooley Alumni (7)
Erick Bradtke: Nobody Outworks Cooley Law Graduates
McDonald Pierangeli Macfarlane law firm in west Michigan is home to three Cooley graduates: ...
2 minute read
State Rep. Kara Hope: 5 Key Pieces of Advice for Success in Life
Cooley graduate Kara Hope, State Representative for Michigan’s 67th House District, spoke recently...
1 minute read
Cooley Law School Grad Mustafa Ameen Uses Legal Career to Help on Larger Scale
Cooley Law School graduate Mustafa Ameen knew growing up that he was either going to be a doctor or...
1 minute read
Cooley Grad Aaron Burrell Leader in Legal Diversity & Inclusiveness
In the last decade, Aaron V. Burrell, a business lawyer with the Detroit office of Dickinson Wright...
1 minute read
Jonathan Paasch: Clients appreciate attorneys who are real-life, real-world
McDonald Pierangeli Macfarlane law firm is making its mark on the west Michigan community,...
6 minute read
Cooley Law Grad Brandon Ayers Bringing Change in Legal Landscape
Brandon Ayers always wanted to go to law school. He took a somewhat winding path to get there, but...
3 minute read
Cooley Moot Court Team Take Skillset and Competition by Storm
At Cooley Law School, one of the activities students can participate in is the moot court program....
6 minute read
Cooley Graduate David Malson Proud of Firm's Diversity and Work-Life Balance Programs
David Malson, by anyone's standards, personifies career success and a meaningful life. But Malson...
2 minute read
Law School After Military Service: A Student Success Story
As a former U.S. Marine Staff Sgt., Victor Flores knows the meaning of commitment. As a Cooley Law...
3 minute read
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