Cooley Law School Blog
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Cooley Alumni (4)
Chelsea Rebeck: Success Means Anticipating and Pivoting with Change
Southfield, Michigan tax attorney Chelsea Rebeck (Ellsworth Class, 2012) could see the handwriting...
4 minute read
Up to the Challenge: Cooley Grad Succeeds Against Series of Overwhelming Odds
Law students often face tough challenges during their demanding legal studies. But Samantha Norris,...
4 minute read
Shemia Washington: Shining and Breaking Barriers
When Shemia (Francisco) Washington was in fifth grade, she wanted to be like Clair Huxtable, the...
6 minute read
Rick Conklin: Lady Justice Was Calling
Cooley Law School alumnus Rick Conklin always had a passion for the law—and while earning his...
3 minute read
Maya Smith: Making an Impact
Maya Smith knew from childhood that her purpose was to give back and make an impact – and saw the...
3 minute read
Distinguished Alumni Awards Focus on exemplary service in the profession
The 2020 Distinguished Alumni Award was presented to Amy Rombyer Tripp (Blair Moody Class, 1996)...
1 minute read
Achieving Dream after Endurance and Sacrifice for Country
As a U.S. Army Reserve Soldier, Major Carmen J. Quesenberry attended Cooley Law School while...
2 minute read
Cooley Spotlight: Jaevonn Harris
Artistic endeavors: Cooley Law graduate is also a talented artist and entrepreneur
5 minute read
Tammy Allison: Only you can know what is or isn't possible
Attorney and Cooley graduate Tammy Allison worked for the U.S. Department of Justice for a decade,...
2 minute read
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