Cooley Law School Blog
Cooley Faculty Experts Speak Out on Equal Access to Justice
Tracey Brame, associate dean of Cooley’s Grand Rapids campus, Renalia DuBose, a Cooley professor in...
4 minute read
Bar Exam Subjects: How Many Are Too Many?
Social-distancing policies have forced states to rethink the July bar exam. One state has decided...
2 minute read
The Three Lucys of Contract Lore, Part Three: Peevyhouse vs. Garland Coal
Blog contributor Otto Stockmeyer is a Cooley Law School Distinguished Professor Emeritus. This is...
4 minute read
The Three Lucys of Contract Lore, Part Two: Wood vs. Lucy, Lady Duff-Gordon
Blog contributor Otto Stockmeyer is a Cooley Law School Distinguished Professor Emeritus. This is...
3 minute read
The Three Lucys of Contract Lore, Part One: Lucy vs. Zehmer
Blog contributor Otto Stockmeyer is a Cooley Law School Distinguished Professor Emeritus. This is...
3 minute read
How COVID-19 Has Put a Spotlight on Civil Rights and Implicit Bias Issues
On Thursday, April 9, ABC News reported on concerns over face coverings for people of color. The...
1 minute read
Helping any way we can is the right thing to do.
When the coronavirus hit and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer issued her stay home-stay safe...
2 minute read
Take A Look at Restitution
The subject of Restitution was once a mainstay of the first-year law school curriculum, but has...
3 minute read
Cooley rising to the challenge of online learning in the wake covid-19
Just like any organization or business or higher education institution, individuals have their our...
1 minute read
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