Cooley Law School Blog
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Faculty Experts (4)
Showcase Your Scholarship, Part One: Use SSRN to Archive Articles
An earlier post suggested ways to maximize the impact of your scholarship through spin-off articles.
3 minute read
Guide to Good Writing; Get Specific!
Strunk & White’s classic guide to good writing, The Elements of Style, urges writers to use...
3 minute read
Vaccines. Masks. Mandates and the law. Cooley Experts Weigh in.
Despite the apparent confusion and divide on the topic of vaccines, masks, and mandates, Cooley...
2 minute read
Using Microsoft Word’s Readability Program: advice for lawyers
Readability should be a goal of all careful writers. Lawyers, in particular, need to exercise care...
2 minute read
An Introduction to Compensatory Contempt, the "Other" Contempt of Court
Contempt of court has been in the news recently, usually as a result of someone being punished for...
2 minute read
COOLEY LAW Professor Renalia Dubose Speaks on Florida HS decision to pause yearbook distribution
Cooley Law School Professor and former administrator from Pasco, Hillsborough and Orange Counties...
1 minute read
It's All About IRAC
As beginning law students soon learn, what we call “legal reasoning” can be expressed by the...
4 minute read
A Tale of Two Toms: How Cooley Law School Acquired Two Bronze Likenesses of its Namesake
Cooley Law School alum John Nocita (Turner Class, 1991) is profiled in the Winter 2020 issue of the...
3 minute read
Lawyers Publish or Perish. Is Legal Writing An Essential Skill?
Yes, that statement exaggerates—but only slightly. Academics must publish or perish, meaning to...
1 minute read
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