Cooley Law School Blog
Law student Heather Silcott honored with SBM Animal Law Award
Cooley Law student Heather Silcott knew from the moment she rescued a labradoodle named Bruno from...
3 minute read
Confusion: Bad for Contracts, Good for Students
In the middle of their study of Contract law, students encounter a cluster of cases dealing with...
3 minute read
Reflections On A Career: 5 Lessons Learned
I retired in December, 2021, and I had the honor of being asked to present a lecture on what I...
3 minute read
KISS: Simple Ways to Increase Your Article’s Impact
I have previously blogged about ways to boost an article’s readership. Since then I have learned of...
1 minute read
What Should Be Done About Michigan's No-Good, Very Bad Way of Selecting Supreme Court Justices?
THE PAST The "Looking Back: 1930s" article in the January 2022 Michigan Bar Journal concludes by...
3 minute read
Shining Star: Cooley Law school Student Graduated With A Perfect 4.0 GPA
Mina Woodard’s original career goal was to become a math teacher, but she switched to criminal...
3 minute read
Cooley Graduate Janelle Benjamin is Helping Employers “Make it Easy to be Equitable”
Cooley Law School 2005 graduate Janelle Benjamin is the founder and CEO of the company All Things...
2 minute read
Katie Stanley: When you help a client, you aren’t just helping them, you're helping others.
You might say that Katie Stanley started law school at age 13. She was, of course, too young to...
6 minute read
Robin Sutara: Unassuming Trailblazer
Robin Sutara (Witherell Class, 2010) has always been a trailblazer. Perhaps an unassuming...
5 minute read
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