Cooley Law School Blog
Cooley Law Student Ashley Hart Born to Fight For the Underdog
Taking on the world is something Cooley Law School law student Ashley Hart is not afraid to do. In...
3 minute read
Commander Michael Shea Runs a Tight Ship at St. Michael’s Legal Center
In February 2018, Western Michigan University Cooley Law School’s Tampa Bay campus launched a new...
3 minute read
Senior Airman Ray Petty: A Lesson in the Power of Resilience
Everyone faces times in life when they are put down, minimized, or demoralized. For most it’s a...
3 minute read
New Zealand Study Abroad learns new languages: Hokey-Pokey, Hokey-Tokey, or Hokey-Cokey?
Guest blog author and Cooley Law School Professor Kimberly E. O’Leary directs the law school’s...
2 minute read
A Lesson in International Relations Strikes Close to Heart and Home
The United States is a melting pot, blending and melding people of all ethnicities, faiths, and...
3 minute read
Embracing Civility and Equality: One Cooley Professor’s Quest
The quest for civility, the notion where its citizens compromise for equality and for the good...
2 minute read
PricewaterhouseCoopers Puts Cooley Grads to Good Work
PwC is a network of firms in 157 countries with more than 200,000 employees. In Michigan, PwC has...
1 minute read
Erika Kirkwood — From Law Enforcement to the Law
Growing up, Erica Kirkwood (Souris Class, 2009) was surrounded by family in law enforcement. Her...
7 minute read
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