Cooley Law School Blog
What Goes On At Those "Free-Lunch" Seminars?
According to the American Association of Retired Persons, so-called “free lunch” seminars are often...
4 minute read
Shemia Washington: Shining and Breaking Barriers
When Shemia (Francisco) Washington was in fifth grade, she wanted to be like Clair Huxtable, the...
6 minute read
Maximize Your Article's Impact
Congratulations! Your article has been researched, written, edited, and—hurray!—published. After...
2 minute read
Calling All Scribes
What does the word “scribes” call to mind? For most people, it evokes the image of medieval monks...
4 minute read
Rick Conklin: Lady Justice Was Calling
Cooley Law School alumnus Rick Conklin always had a passion for the law—and while earning his...
3 minute read
Law School Changes May "Virtually" be the Future of Legal Education
During this age of the Coronavirus, numerous industries have been taking the necessary steps to...
2 minute read
Historian James Kratsas: These are the best (and worst) of times
My fervent hope is to provide some historical perspective of the past year and the last three...
8 minute read
Maya Smith: Making an Impact
Maya Smith knew from childhood that her purpose was to give back and make an impact – and saw the...
3 minute read
Attorney and athlete Charles Ford – a man of many talents and gifts
Charles Ford has lived life large, not only as a star athlete, but as an attorney and a successful...
5 minute read
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