Cooley Law School Blog
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Legal Education (8)
The 10 Habits of Highly Successful Law Students
At Cooley Law School, we’ve spent years paying close attention to the consistent habits shared by...
5 minute read
Cooley’s Great Campus Locations: Lansing
Lansing-based students, faculty, and staff live in the seat of state government and enjoy...
2 minute read
The State Bar-Cooley Connection
Blog contributor Otto Stockmeyer is a Cooley Distinguished Professor Emeritus. He represented...
2 minute read
Cooley’s Great Campus Locations: Tampa Bay
The Tampa Bay, Florida, area, located on the west coast of the “Sunshine State” near the Gulf of...
1 minute read
Living in Tampa, Florida: Unique study spots for students
So, you’ve decided to continue your education in beautiful Tampa Bay, Florida. Smart choice! If...
2 minute read
3 Tips to Consider If You Attend Law School
If you’ve decided to pursue the noble profession of law, here are a few things Cooley graduate...
2 minute read
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