Cooley Law School Blog
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Cooley Students (2)
Law Student Jennel Davoren Captures a Host of Coveted Honors at Cooley
Drawn to the field of law out of a passion for justice and fairness, Cooley Law School 3L student...
6 minute read
Dean’s Fellow Carter Lewis: It’s like you are already a lawyer or a counselor
Carter Lewis loved math and science growing up, so despite his father, John Lewis, being a lawyer,...
4 minute read
Dean's Fellow Norelle Miranda: People Need to Share Hard Work
Norelle Miranda knew she wanted to help people, even as a five-year-old when she and her family...
4 minute read
Dean's Fellow Jacob Goss: Helping Others is a Lifestyle
As a Psychology major, Jacob Goss started looking into careers in the mental health field. Yet, the...
4 minute read
Cooley Dean's Fellow Thomas Gildner: Best Way to Advocate for People is as a Lawyer
Since he was a kid, Cooley Dean’s Fellow Thomas Gildner knew that a legal career was something he...
5 minute read
Dean’s Fellow Adriana Burga: Know Yourself and Your Boundaries
As hard as it was to leave family and friends in Los Angeles, California to attend Cooley Law...
4 minute read
Dean's Fellow Darrin Robinson: Moving Beyond Information Technology to a Career in the Law
If you were to ask Darrin Robinson at age 14 where he saw himself professionally, he would have...
3 minute read
Cooley Law School's Tax Law Society Founder Eyes Path to Estate Planning Career
From a young age, Jayson Thomas enjoyed strategy games—and with that passion went on to earn a BBA...
5 minute read
Cooley Dean's Fellow Mya Hurwitz: Teaching and Learning Goes Both Ways
Cooley Law School student Mya Hurwitz never really thought about what she wanted to do as a career...
4 minute read
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