5 Things To Know About Our Kalamazoo Location

In mid-August, WMU-Cooley got the green light by the American Bar Association (ABA) Council on Legal Education and Admission to the Bar to offer 60-90 credits at the main Western Michigan University campus. The new additional credits can make a big difference for students in the greater Kalamazoo area who are considering going to go to law school there. But if proximity alone isn’t enough, here are five things to know about Kalamazoo.
- Western Michigan University is a top-100 national university that is engaged on a global scale through its degree programs, faculty, students, researchers, and alumni. Since 1903, the school has become a leader in research and now offers 152 bachelor’s, 76 master’s and 33 doctoral programs to more than 23,000 students from 96 countries.
- Kalamazoo is a great town for students to live, work and study. But it also has plenty to keep you busy when you need a break. To start, Kalamazoo has a downtown that is alive and thriving day and night, as well as great restaurants, almost 20 local breweries, great music venues, and much more. For those who are watching their carbon footprint, Kalamazoo offers bike rentals and tons of parks, trails and tours to entertain you during all four seasons.
- If the arts are what you crave for relaxation, there’s something for everyone from ballet to live theater to the world-renowned Gilmore Keyboard Festival. Check out the very full monthly calendar of events from live music to public art to workshops at the nearby W. K. Kellogg Bird Sanctuary for discerning nature lovers. No matter your tastes or preferences, there’s always something fun to do in Kalamazoo.
- Attending WMU-Cooley Law School in Kalamazoo gives you the best of two great institutions of higher learning. You can join all the law-related student organizations, take advantage of the many service projects available, and sign on for clinics and externships while enjoying outstanding campus resources available at Western Michigan University. You truly can enjoy the best of both worlds.
- You can find out more about attending law school in Kalamazoo in a number of different ways. First, you can learn more by attending one of our Open Houses during the year. Or, you can feel free to make an appointment anytime convenient for you to get a one-on-one with our people there. Go ahead and sign up for a visit. Learn more about our program options, all designed to fit your schedule. Get the latest information on scholarships and admissions.
If you’re currently attending Western Michigan University, or will be moving back to the Kalamazoo area after graduating from another college next spring, think about this: If you’re considering law school, consider taking advantage of earning your degree right on WMU's main campus in Kalamazoo. Stay in Kalamazoo and begin law school when you’re ready. Find out more.