Finding a Mentor In Law School Sets You On The Road To Success

In today's episode we speak with Vaughn L. McKoy, former Assistant United States Attorney, College football star and current executive at Public Service Enterprise Group, Inc who is a graduate of Rutgers Law School.
Vaughn was an inner-city youth from Paterson “P-town” New Jersey, Vaughn L. McKoy is the youngest of six siblings and an impoverished single mom. He shares his journey from these beginnings to being awarded a football scholarship to Rutgers University, and then connecting with mentor Arthur Goldberg while lifting weights. For the next ten years, “Mr. G.” weekly mentored Vaughn to pursue academic and professional success, through teachings of his own. Under the mentoring of Mr. G., Vaughn continued his rise to professional achievement as an Assistant United States Attorney for the District of New Jersey, and today is an executive and lawyer. He also recently shared this journey in a new book: Playing Up: One Man's Rise From Public Housing To Public Service Through Mentorship
Vaughn talked to me about how law school really helped him to find out about who he really was and is today. Looking back he stated that he wished that he had spent more time being focused in his first year in law school as he felt that it would better prepare him for his future career.
Vaughn also mentioned that you need to "follow your dream and your vision and show the passion for what you want to do" along with seeking out "opportunities to connect with people and communicate with people about you are trying to accomplish". I know that this is true and have seen on a daily basis that by connecting and communicating with people you may be surprised at what those people can do to open doors to you.
Vaughn identified that motivation was also something that was key for law school success. You also have to understand your motivation for attending law school and understand the long-term payoff on attaining a law degree. Vaughn mention that you also have to not comprise who you are to get to your end goal. Make friendships and form study groups . In the end, Vaughn noted that you need to enjoy the experience and enjoy discovering who you are.
Finally, Vaughn encouraged all of you to email him at: and he will work with you to answer questions about law school, his journey or anything else!
It was a pleasure having Vaughn as a part of the Law School Insider series, and I hope you find his interview inspiring for your own journey.
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