Focus on the Future During Law School!

Today in the Law School Insider we explore the journey that Christian Smith, Attorney with the City of Atlanta's Prosecutors Office went through as he moved in and through law school and into his professional career. Throughout this interview he spent a lot of time talking to everyone about the importance of focusing on the future while you are in law school to prepare you best for your future success.
Chistian mentioned how important it was for him to join student organizations and to to network with practicing attorneys during law school. He did mention though that you do not specifically have to go to law school in the State or the City where you may want to practice, as the law profession is very connected. The more you can connect to a broad array of lawyers, the more you will be connected to them and all of their contacts too.
He mentioned that he looked for a law school that offered him the opportunity to study in an area that he wanted to study, but also a law school that prepared him for the real world and Western Michigan University Cooley Law School did just that.
As a first generation college student he knew that he was being seen as an example for future students and still is seen this way today. He stated that it was important for him to remind himself daily that "current situations in life do not define have to define you as a person."
As Christian was going through law school he stated that one of the most powerful things that he did was work on building a network with practicing attorneys. By networking with other attorneys he stated that "you are exposed to how to dress, how to present yourself" and other important practical issues that you do not get in the classroom.
In the end Christian emphasized that you have to think about life after law school while you are in law school to prepare you for your ultimate success.
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