Law School Insider - Conversations with students, lawyers and employers

Lawyers help businesses to thrive and survive in today's society

Written by Christopher A. Lewis | Mar 31, 2016 3:00:00 PM

This week on the Law School Insider we are speaking with LaConya Murray of Off the Mark . Off the Mark was created to ensure that entrepreneurs and businesses have access to legal advice and counsel during the many phases of their business to help them make strategic  choices that will increase both their brand recognition and financial value. LaConya Murray is working with businesses daily to help them to find success.

LaConya Murray knew from an early age that she wanted to be an attorney. She knew that she wanted to help businesses early on as well though she did not know the specific path she would take to get there. Upon graduation from law school she started a independent practice but found that this was not where her heart was, instead it was truly to help business owners.

Once she realized that working with businesses was her goal she changed her focus as she found that so many business owners were intimidated by lawyers and she wanted to change this. Now, business owners come to her when they want to start a business and build a brand and she helps them to extend their overall reach and strategize for the future.

When LaConya Murray meets with businesses she makes sure to ask them the right questions to help them build a business plan and to create a sustainable business. She then will talk to the business about branding, as so many businesses think that branding is just about how a business looks and it is so much more than that. Instead she works with businesses to help them see that building a brand is more about what they want the company to stand for and to look like. 

Finally, LaConya Murray will talk to businesses about issues surrounding trademarks and copy writes and any other asset of the business that may need to be protected.

As you can see working with businesses as a lawyer is multi-faceted and you will have something different coming through your door every day. 

LaConya Murray mentioned that if you were interested in a career working with businesses and business owners like she has created, you may want to make sure to take courses in issues such as business law, copy write, intellectual property if your law school offers them. She also mentioned the importance of getting practical experience such as an internship working with businesses and business owners.

As you think about your law school journey LaConya Murray mentioned that you should make sure to take the time to:

  1. trust yourself
  2. network as much as possible
  3. build relationships with fellow classmates
  4. think outside the box when it comes to your law career and not be constrained to a certain career path.


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