Cooley Law School Blog

Sarah E. Shirley: Don't Blend In, Stand Out

Written by Cooley Law School Blog | May 8, 2018 3:30:00 PM











#FromWhereIStand is an op-ed forum allowing a voice and stance for our Cooley community of family and friends. Law student Sarah E. Shirley (April 2020) writes about the requisite need for diversity in law school for a better world. 

When you think about it, diversity is the centerpiece to every aspect of life, especially within the field of law. Diversity includes distinction and distinction creates the change that keeps our society in-tact. Diversity is opposite from identical, but is equivalent to success. In my opinion, becoming a high-quality attorney is dependent upon a law school with diversity.

All people are diverse. Every set of twins have a different thumbprint.

All buildings are diverse. No two buildings can be in the exact same location.

All days are diverse. No day can occur at the exact same time as another.

All words are diverse. Each letter of the alphabet has a different phonetic meaning.

Just like how diversity appears to be paramount to everyday life, diversity is also paramount to becoming a high-quality attorney.

No two cases share the exact same case number.

No two rules are written with exact same words.

No two jury members share the exact same analysis and thought process.

No two clients have the exact same story with the exact same details.

An attorney with knowledge of diversity can advocate "you."