Cooley Law School Blog

Professor Mark Dotson Offers Insight on Detroit Water Main Break Legalities (Detroit Free Press)

Written by Cooley Law School | Mar 4, 2025 2:45:00 PM

In a recent Detroit Free Press article, Professor Mark Dotson provided an expert analysis of the legal complexities arising from a water main break in Detroit. The incident caused extensive property damage, leading to questions about a liability waiver the city asked residents to sign.

Professor Dotson noted that the city's primary concern is securing legal access to affected properties before conducting repairs. His main message for residents was: "Regardless of what the city is doing, regardless of requirements of the waiver, they need to notify their insurance company." He said they should do it now.

Professor Dotson's expertise offers valuable guidance to Detroit residents navigating the legal aftermath of the water main break, highlighting the intersection of law and public infrastructure management.

For a more in-depth understanding of Professor Dotson's analysis and the legal considerations surrounding this incident, read the full article: "Detroit asking water main flood victims to sign a waiver. We had 2 lawyers take a look."