Cooley Law School Blog

On Taking the Road Less Traveled

Written by Kimberly O'Leary | Mar 2, 2018 4:00:00 PM
What does it mean to fly to the other side of the world for study and adventure? Students participating in Cooley’s “down under” program are finding out.

What is a parliamentary system and how does it work?

Why is our Constitution written down, when many other democracies rely on unwritten constitutional conventions and norms?

What is the history of indigenous people in Australia, and how does that history compare to similar peoples in the US, Canada, and New Zealand?

What does it feel like to be an American in Australia or New Zealand?

Students travel to black sand and white sand beaches in New Zealand. They travel the Great Ocean Road in Australia. They travel to Sydney and the Great Barrier Reef. They travel the lanes of Melbourne.

In traveling the road less taken, students learn how solutions to problems are tackled in different ways.

In traveling the road less taken, students experience growth and understanding.

In traveling the road less taken, students forge friendships across continents.

In traveling the road less taken, students’ minds and networks expand.

And that can make all the difference.

Cooley Law School Professor Kimberly E. O’Leary is directing the law school’s Study Abroad program in New Zealand and Australia. She and her students are sharing their experiences during their study abroad experience down under.